Early morning bike rides in the Everglades is a unique experience. With the sunrise comes a new day and new beginning for all God's creatures. Everyday is a new experience full of surprises and magic.
36" X 24" Acrylic: This is the season between the heat of the summer and the cold of the winter. God has taken up his brush and pallet and painted nature in vibrant colors. It is also a time for enjoying the outdoors whether it be hitting the trails or enjoying all that nature has to offer.. It is also the time for giving thanks for blessing of the past and possibilities of the future.
36" X 24" Acrylic on Canvas No matter how majestic or how lowly, we all look forward to the sunset and end of the day when we once more return to the piece and security of our home. Like the eagle we have sought to face our day with beauty, bravery, courage, honor, pride, determination, and grace even it it meant flying alone high above the distractors and neighsayers.
36"X24" Acrylic:Acrylic on Canvas PEACE AND HARMONY May your home be blessed with peace and harmony from glorious sunrise to sunset and may the shadows of the evening bring rest and tranquility May all those who enter experience joy and happiness in the presence of love and acceptance and bask in the blessings of fellowship May your day be filled with the beauty of nature, the sweet fragrance of flowers and your senses be awakened by the sounds of water against shore and breezes against your skin May your life be blessed by health and prosperity and may your dreams be large while your demands be few May your life have purpose and your endeavors have meaning so that your paths leave footprints for others to follow May your final journey find you at peace with yourself and those whom you love until you awaken to the next sunrise and sunset on the distant shores of paradise. Duane W. Cross
Before there were paved bike trails and bike shops there were only country roads or cow paths. Either you fixed your bike yourself or; if lucky, took it to a country garage on the corner. As a "vintage adult" ( over 70) I remember well pushing my bike with its flat tire to be patched or broken chain to be linked. While waiting I would purchase a RC Cola, a bag of peanuts and the latest comic book, set on the floor in the cornet waiting the fix. I learned some philosophy from the tales and trials of the customers as they came and went. Good memories.
One of the pleasures of bike riding in June and July in southern Florida, is viewing the majesty of the Poinciana trees in brume. Wither they be covered in blossoms of red, orange, yellow, or lavender their beauty is overwhelming. One benefit being an artist is that what I miss on camera, I can re-create on canvas.