The Storied Canvas

From pallet to brush, to canvas. Capturing past memories, current experiences, and future dreams through paintings and verse.

Four time National Contemporary Art award winner and six time top finalist in Gallery Ring art competitions.  Just presented the first place award in National Hyspanic Heritage Art Exhibition.

Like many, upon retirement I found myself struggling with the void between my past successes and future endeavors. I have always had an interest in the creative art of others but no time to develop my own talent. Knowing my state of mind, on Christmas eve four years ago, my stepdaughter presented me with an acrylic paint set and made me promise to do one painting over the holidays. I completed the task to her delight and to that of many friends. This was followed by several requests for paintings and many sales over the past three years as well as several awards in national and international competitions. I have found my new passion in life recreating experiences , desires, and fantasies on canvas. You are invited to join me on this journey and share these with me.

Mission Statement: 
Art is not about the image alone but also the emotional response that one experiences when viewing the composition. It is my intent to create an holistic experience by creating a work of art that tells a story based on common experiences that will take the observer on a voyage of favored memories, experiences or desires. My mission is to convey stories through painting like an author creates books through words. To create art that draws the observer into a different place and time discovering new details each time they gaze upon the painting. Life is to be experienced not just observed.

If inspired feel free to contact me whether it be for purchase, prints, or with questions or suggestions. Thank you and enjoy the journey.

About image

 "Always amazed at your ability to capture color and detail to create unforgettable memories of our travels." A treasure that will last a lifetime." 

Hugh and Linda Mullenbach

 "Again Duane, you have created a painting that brings back warm memories of wonderful times in Colombia. We love your ability to capture the moments with such detail and warm vibrant colors." 

Hugh and Linda Mullenbach
At the end of an enjoyable two week tour of Colombia, South America this painting was presented to Hugh and Linda. Lake Tota provided a beautiful and rustic retreat and a memorable moment in time.

 "Thank you Duane for this beautiful painting. I will serve to bring back many memories of my early days in West Palm Beach. You truly have a gift." 

Helene Uhlfelder
This award winning painting (First Place in International Contemporary Art Contest) was completed to bring back memories of Helene"s past days in the Palm Beach area growing up. My wish is that it continues to bring a smile to her face and joy to her heart.

 "Words can not express my gratitude for your painting. It will be a map to plan and complete my bucket list of places to visit. Love you so much". 

Malu Pineda
Painting completed for Malu based on her love of travel and excitement for living. It has become a map of places seen and yet unseen or her "bucket list." She is the girl with arms spread taking in the "world of wonders".

 "Thank you so much for your love and gift of this painting. As I am suffering from dementia this will keep the memory of my beloved pets alive." 

David Cross
David's love of animals has provided him with a life time of blessing, This painting was created to ensure that his last two "best friends" would always be remembered as he struggles with loss of memories and abilities to function in his latter years. Sliver and Joy truly were blessed by his care and he was blessed by their love and devotion.

 Family memories captured for all of us to enjoy. Thank you Duane for sharing your unbelievable gift with us. You are amazingly talented and wish you much success. 

I was blessed to have these lovely ladies from Spain and Colombia in my home and thankful for their appreciation for my storied canvases. Each painting was completed specifically with them in mind. Olga (my wife) with her love of gardens, Malu for her love of travel and adventure,. and Ruby and her Family for a remembrance of her time in Miami on vacation.

 "Love it and love you" 

Olga Cross
Olga"s love of gardens and her natural ability to plan, plant, grow, and tend to all things green inspired this painting. Each morning one can hear her talking to her plants and tending to their needs. I am blessed to have her in my life.

 'Wow! Words can not express my gratitude for your gift and amazement of your talent. I will treasure this for ever as I take a part of Florida back to Spain. We love you and will fondly remember our time together. 

Ruby Carolina
As a remembrance of Ruby's time in Miami with her family, this painting was completed using real sand from the beach and real seashells. This enabled them to take some of Miami back to Spain with them along with great memories of time spent with family.

 Thanks Duane. Love it and the memories of Colombia it represents." 

Luis and Camilla Pineda

 "Thanks Uncle for this great painting. It will be placed in a special place in our home." 

Karen Clipfell
Love for animals has always been a passion for Karen. Being raised on a farm with many animals around her; including her favorite horses she continues this value. With the YouTube coverage of April and her new calf Tajiri, she found a whole new love of Giraffes.

 "Thank you for capturing our special moment so beautifully." 

Andrew and Annaleesah Skelly
Weddings are special events whose memories last a life time. Andrew and Annaleesah traveled from Michigan to St. Petersburg, Florida for their special ceremony so that Annalisa's grandfather could participate. No better place than the beach for such an event.

 "Bernie" best friend deserving of a permanent place in our hearts and on canvas. 

Claudia Portillo

 "I have nothing but gratitude for this painting. You have captured the essence of Lucy with such talent and I am forever grateful for our gift." 

Amali Deangelo
Dogs can not only provide companionship but also comfort during times of sadness and loss. Lucy is such a dog. Amelia lost her father last year and I lost a great friend. Lucy was a big part of his life.

 "This painting brings back so many memories and your unique ability to capture the essence of the experience in such a beautiful way is beyond words. Thank you! 

Tatiana Bonilla
There is always great joy when spending time with someone who has similar memories and appreciation for the beauty of Switzerland. Capturing those memories on canvas and then having that person value the image that was created is another level of joy. Thank you Tatiana for your patronage and my hope is that the painting continues to bring back warm memories of times gone by as you chart new adventures.

 I love your work and am always amazed at your talent and the details that you place within your paintings. You are truly talented and I an see why you have won so many awards. Thank you. 

Justo and Rita Zambrano
The opportunity to capture a distant memory or hoped for adventure on canvas is an inspirational adventure. Justo and Rita are dear friends who travel the world experiencing different cultures and sites. On their bucket list is Austria so to inspire them they chose this painting as a constant reminder of place yet to be experienced in a future adventure.

 Smiles on faces and expressions of joy are what an artist lives for. Providing a painting for those entering a new phase of life in Hawaii was a joy. "The only thought that comes to mind is touched! Your arts share so much of your spirit. The painting "Peace and Harmony"and the blessing you composed are breathtaking! You have a rare talent and have touched us deeply! I’m so grateful that we have come to know you and Olga better recently! We value our friendship with you. You have made our lives richer. Thank you 

Randy and Beth Martin

 Scenes that will remind us of past lives and experiences as we transition through different stages in life are like bridges over chiasms. Moving to Hawaii with memories of Florida will be easier for Beth and I due to your magnificent paintings and unsurpassed talent. You have a special gift and we are proud to be a part of it. 

Beth and Randy Martin

 Flamingos are popular around the world and will be enjoyed wither in Florida or Hawaii. Randy and I can now enjoy both thanks to your unbelievable talent on bringing life to the canvas though your use of color and imagination. I would highly recommend this website to anyone looking for beautiful and unique artwork. 

Randy and Beth Martin

 Good friends are the glue that hold life together. But good friends who enjoy art are the best 

 Close friends who appreciate and value your art are a wonderful gift. This piece was chosen among many works and is being appreciated by Pablo. Hopefully this will be the beginning of his appreciation for art and the beauty around him. 

David Rosales Camargo and Natalie Gaitan

 Early morning walks are a favorite respite for Mary. Phoenix offers a perfect opportunity with exquisite sunrises and sunsets in the early morning and evening hours. This painting captures Mary's morning scenery as she begins her day. 

Alejandro and Mary Navarro

 "Thank you for showing you support for our efforts at Farm Aid. Your donation will be part of the silent auction in 2022 in support of Farm Aid. and is already drawing a lot of attention. Your talent and attention to detail is superb and will be highly prized." 

Farm Aid 2022
  • Miami, Florida, United States

Paintings prices range from $500.00 to $1200 depending on size and content. Prints 20"X"16" are availabe at $60.00